

1.Takeda A, Shinozaki Y, Kashiwagi K, Ohno N, Eto K, Wake H, Nabekura J, Koizumi S. Microglia mediate non-cell-autonomous cell death of retinal ganglion cells. Glia 66(11): 2366-2384

2.Hasebe Y, Kashiwagi K, Tsumura T, Suzuki Y, Yoshikawa K, Suzumura H, Maeda T, Takeda R, Saito H, Araie M. Changes in adherence and associated factors among patients on newly introduced prostaglandin analog and timolol fixed-combination therapy. Patient Preference and Adherence 12:1567-1577

3.Kitamura K, Kashiwagi K. Efficacy and Safety of Switching Prostaglandin Analog Monotherapy to Tafluprost/Timolol Fixed-Combination Therapy. Journal of ophthalmology:8456764

4.Toshie Furuya and Kenji Kashiwagi. Longitudinal Change in Peripheral Anterior Chamber Depth of Eyes with Angle Closure after Laser Iridotomy. journal of ophthalmology:9106247

5.Miki A, Sakurada Y, Tanaka K, Semba K, Mitamura Y, Yuzawa M, Tajima A, Nakatochi M, Yamamoto K, Matsuo K, Imoto I, Honda S. Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify a New Susceptibility Locus for Central Serous Chorioretinopathy in the Japanese Population. Invest Ophthalmology & Visiual Science 59(13):5542-5547.

6.Yoichi S, Belinda C.S.LEONG, Ravi PARIKH, Serena FRAGIOTTA, K.BILEY FREUND. Association between choroidal caverns and choroidal vascular hyperpermeability in eyes with pachychoid diseases. Retina 38(10):1977-1983

7.Sakurada Y, Freund KB, Yannuzzi LA. Multimodal Imaging in Adult-Onset Coats’ Disease. Ophthalmology 125(4):485

8.Sakurada Y, Parikh R, Gal-Or O, Balaratnasingam C, Leong BCS,Tanaka K, Cherepanoff S, Spaide RF, Freund KB, Yannuzzi LA. CUTICULAR DRUSEN: Risk of Geographic Atrophy and Macular Neovascularization. Ophthalmology Retina 2(8):815

9.Sugiyama A, Sakurada Y, Honda S, Miki A, Matsumiya W, Yoneyama S, Kikusima W, Iijima H. Retreatment of Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration after Loading 3-Monthly Intravitreal Ranibizumab. Ophthalmologica 239(1):52-59

10.Yoichi Sakurada, Ravi Parikh, Lawrence A. Yannuzzi. Cuticular Drusen presenting with Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits. Ophthalmol Retina 2(8):815

11.Sakurada Y, Kikushima W, Sugiyama A, Yoneyama S, Tanabe N, Matsubara M, Iijima H. AREDS simplified severity scale as a predictive factor for response to aflibercept therapy for typical neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 256(1):99-104

12.Shiga Y, Akiyama M, Nishiguchi KM, Kashiwagi K, Iwata T, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies seven novel susceptibility loci for primary open-angle glaucoma. Hum Mol Genet. 15;27(8):1486-1496.

13.Murata H, Zangwill LM, Fujino Y, Matsuura M, Miki A, Hirasawa K, Tanito M, Mizoue S, Mori K, Suzuki K, Yamashita T, Kashiwagi K, Shoji N, Asaoka R. Validating Variational Bayes Linear Regression Method With Multi-Central Datasets. Invest Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018 Apr 1;59(5):1897-1904

14.Ravi Parikh, Nathan Pirakitikulr, Jay Chhablani, Yoichi Sakurada, Rishi P. Singh, Yasha S. Modi. A Multinational Comparison of Anti–Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Use: The United States, the United Kingdom, and Asia-Pacific. January 2019Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 16–26

15.Tsumura T, Kashiwagi K, Suzuki Y, Yoshikawa K, Suzumura H, Maeda T, Takeda R, Saito H, Araie M A nationwide survey of factors influencing adherence to ocular hypotensive eyedrops in Japan. International Ophthalmoligy Online: 12 January 2018

16.Sugiyama A. · Sakurada Y. · Honda S. · Miki A. · Matsumiya W. · Yoneyama S. · Kikushima W. · Iijima H. Retreatment of Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration after Loading 3-Monthly Intravitreal Ranibizumab Ophthalmologica 2018;239:52-59

17.Sakurada Y, Freund KB, Yannuzzi LA Multimodal Imaging in Adult-Onset Coats’ Disease Ophthalmology 2018 Apr;125(4):485.

18.Parikh R, Sakurada Y, Yannuzzi LA Multimodal Imaging to Monitor Recurrent Serpiginous Choroiditis Ophthalmology. 2018 Aug;125(8):1252

19.Sainohira M, Yamashita T, Terasaki H, Sonoda S, Miyata K, Murakami Y, Ikeda Y, Morimoto T, Endo T, Fujikado T, Kamo J, Sakamoto T. Quantitative analyses of factors related to anxiety and depression in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. PLoS One 23;13(4):e0195983

20.Sakurada Y, Iijima H CFH and VIPR2 as susceptibility loci in choroidal thickness and pachychoroid disease central serous chorioretinopathy PNAS vol.115 no.24 6261-6266

21.Yoichi Sakurada, Ravi Parikh, Lawrence A. Yannuzzi Cuticular Drusen presenting with Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits (Pseudodrusen) Ophthalmology Retina August 2018Volume 2, Issue 8, Page 815

22.Balaratnasingam C, An D, Sakurada Y, Lee CS, Lee AY, McAllister IL, Freund KB, Sarunic M, Yu DY. Comparisons Between Histology and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of the Periarterial Capillary-Free Zone. American Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.189 55-64

23.Kazuyoshi Kitamura,1 Tatsuya Chiba,1 Fumihiko Mabuchi,1 Kiyotaka Ishijima,2 Shu Omoto,3 Fumiko Kashiwagi,4 Takashi Godo,5 Satoshi Kogure,6 Teruhiko Goto,Takashi Shibuya,8 Jhoji Tanabe,9 Shigeo Tsukahara,1 Tadaharu Tsuchiya,Toyoaki Tsumura Efficacy and Safety of Switching Prostaglandin Analog Monotherapy to Tafluprost/Timolol Fixed-Combination Therapy Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 2018 (2018): 8456764

24.Kenji Kashiwagi and Mio Matsubara Reduction in Ocular Hypotensive Eyedrops by Ab Interno Trabeculotomy Improves Not Only Ocular Surface Condition But Also Quality of Vision Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 2018, Article ID 8165476, 8 pages


長谷部, 優花坂本, 雅子柏木, 賢治津村, 豊明鈴木, 康之吉川, 啓司鈴村, 弘隆前田, 利根齋藤, 瞳竹田, 竜嗣新家, 眞新規配合剤導入による緑内障点眼忘れの変化と点眼忘れに影響する因子の全国前向き調査研究 眼科60(4):411-420

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