

1.Yoneyama S, Sakurada Y, Kikushima W, Sugiyama A, Matsubara M, Fukuda Y, Tanabe N, Parikh R, Mabuchi F, Kashiwagi K, Iijima H. Genetic factors associated with response to as-needed aflibercept therapy for typical neovascular age-related macular degeneration and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Sci Rep 10:7188

2.※Ying Tang, Zhenyang Zhu, Toyoura M, Go K, Kashiwagi K, Fujishiro I, Xiaoyang Mao. ALCC-Glasses: Arriving Light Chroma Controllable Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display System for Color Vision Deficiency Compensation. Applied Sceinces10(7):1-15

3.※Xi Zhao, Fujishiro I, Go K, Toyoura M, Kashiwagi K, Xiaoyang Mao. Enhancing visual performance of hemianopia patients using overview window. Computers & Graphics 89:59-67

4.Kikushima W, Sugiyama A, Yoneyama S, Matsubara M, Fukuda Y, Parikh R, Sakurada Y. Five-year outcomes of photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal injection of ranibizumab or aflibercept for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. PLoS One 15(2)

5.※Sumit Randhir Singh, Ravi Parikh, Sakurada Y, Bhushan Uplanchiwar, Ahmad Mansour, Abhilash Goud, Yasha S Modi, Jay Chhablani. Ziv-aflibercept and bevacizumab for exudative age-related macular degeneration: A retrospective comparison of clinical outcomes and cost at 1 year. Taiwan J Ophthalmol 4(10):289-293

6.Shijo T, Sakurada Y, Yoneyama S, Kikushima W, Sugiyama A, Matsubara M, Fukuda Y, Mabuchi F, Kashiwagi, K. Association between Polygenic Risk Score and One-Year Outcomes Following As-Needed Aflibercept Therapy for Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Pharmaceuticals (Basel)13(9)

7.Shijo T, Sakurada Y, Fukuda Y, Yoneyama S, Sugiyama A, Matsubara M, Kikushima W, Tanabe N, Parikh R, Kashiwagi K. Association of CRP levels with ARMS2 and CFH variants in age-related macular degeneration Int Ophthalmol 40(10):2735-2742

8.Sakurada Y, Parikh R, Gal-Or O, Balaratnasingam C, Leong B. C. S, Tanaka K, Cherepanoff S, Spaide R. F, Freund K. B, Yannuzzi L. A. CUTICULAR DRUSEN: Risk of Geographic Atrophy and Macular Neovascularization. Retina 40(2):257-265

9.Sakurada Y, Mabuchi F, Kashiwagi K. Genetics of primary open-angle glaucoma and its endophenotypes. Prog Brain Res 256(1):31-47

10.Sakurada Y, Fragiotta S, Leong B.C.S, Parikh R, Hussnain S.A, Freund K. B. Relationship between Choroidal Vascular Hyperpermeability, Choriocapillaris Flow Density, and Choroidal Thickness in Eyes with Pachychoroid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Retina 40(4):657-662

11.※Asaoka R, Murata H, Asano S, Matsuura M, Fujino Y, Miki A, Tanito M, Mizoue S, Mori K, Suzuki K, Yamashita K, Kashiwagi K, Shoji N. The usefulness of the Deep Learning method of variational autoencoder to reduce measurement noise in glaucomatous visual fields. Scientific Reports 10

12.Matsubara M, Sakurada Y, Sugiyama A, Fukuda Y, Parikh R, Kashiwagi K. Response to photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal aflibercept for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy depending on fellow-eye condition:2-year results. PLoS One 15(8)

13.Mabuchi F, Mabuchi N, Sakurada Y, Yoneyama S, Kashiwagi K, Iijima H, Yamagata Z, Takamoto M, Aihara M, Iwata T, Hashimoto K, Sato K, Shiga Y, Nishiguchi K.M, Nakazawa T, Akiyama M, Kawase K, Ozaki M, Araie M, for the Japan Glaucoma Society Omics Group (JGS-OG). Genetic Variants Associated With the Onset and Progression of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol 215:135-140

14.※Lizhu Yang, Fujinami K, Ueno S, Kuniyoshi K, Hayashi T, Kondo M, Mizota A, Naoi N, Shinoda K, Kameya S, Yu Fujinami-Yokokawa, Xiao Liu, Gavin Arno, Nikolas Pontikos, Kominami T, Terasaki H, Sakuramoto H, Katagiri S, Mizobuchi K, Nakamura N, Mawatari G, Kurihara T, Tsubota K, Miyake Y, Yoshitake K, Iwata T, Tsunoda K ,JEGC study group(Kashiwagi Kを含む). Genetic Spectrum of EYS-associated Retinal Disease in a Large Japanese Cohort: Identification of Disease-associated Variants with Relatively High Allele Frequency. Scientific Reports 10

15.Kotoda Y, Ogiwara M, Kinouchi M, Iijima H. Left-Right and Upper-Lower Light Sensitivity Asymmetry in Visual Field Defects Caused by Pituitary Adenoma: A Retrospective Observational Study. Clin Ophthalmol 14:317-324

16.Kashiwagi K, Chono E, Sarah Koesters, Poh Sin Yap. Persistence and Treatment Patterns of Fixed Combination Drugs for Glaucoma: A Retrospective Claims Database Study in Japan. BMC Ophthalmology 20(223)

17.Kashiwagi K, Iizuka Y. Effect and underlying mechanisms of airborne particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) on cultured human corneal epithelial cells. Sci Rep 10:19516

18.Kume A, Kashiwagi K. Systemic and ocular diseases associated with the development of diabetic macular edema among Japanese patients with diabetes mellitus. BMC Ophthalmology 20

19.Kume A, Kashiwagi K. Recent Epidemiological Status of Ocular and Other Major Complications Related to Diabetes Mellitus in Japan. Ophthalmologica 204(6):404-412

20.※Fung A. T, Waldstein S. M, Gal-Or O, Pellegrini M, Preziosa C, Shields J. A, Welch R. J, Dolz-Marco R, Sarraf D, Nagiel A, Lalane R, Jung J. J, Ghazi N. G, Ramtohul P, Arnold J. J, Sakurada Y, Choudhry N, Balaratnasingam C, Freund K. B, Shields C. L. FocalScleral Nodule: A New Name for Solitary Idiopathic Choroiditis and Unifocal Helioid Choroiditis. Ophthalmology 127(11):1567-1577

21.Fukuda Y, Sakurada Y, Sugiyama A, Yoneyama S, Matsubara M, Kikushima W, Tanabe N, Parikh R, Kashiwagi K. Pachydrusen in Fellow Eyes Predict Response to Aflibercept Monotherapy in Patients with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. J Clin Med 9(8)

22.※Keisuke Ichinose, Issei Fujishiro, Kenji Kashiwagi, Xiaoyang Mao Xiaoyang, Xi Zhao, Masahiro Toyoura, Kentaro Go. Visual Field Loss Compensation for Homonymous Hemianopia Patients Using Edge Indicator. International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)

23.※Lina Chen, Kentaro Go, Yuichiro Kinoshita, Kenji Kashiwagi, Masahito Toyoura, Issei Fujishiro, Xiaoyang Mao. Using an Eye Tracking Device to Discriminate Different Symptoms in Glaucoma. International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)

24.※Fujinami-Yokokawa Y, Fujinami K, Kuniyoshi K, Hayashi T, Ueno S, Mizota A, Shinoda K, Arno G, Pontikos N, Yang L, Liu X, Sakuramoto H, Katagiri S,Mizobuchi K, Kominami T, Terasaki H, Nakamura N, Kameya S, Yoshitake K, MiyakeY, Kurihara T, Tsubota K, Miyata H, Iwata T, Tsunoda K; Japan Eye Genetics Consortium(K.Kashiwagiを含む). Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of 18 Patients from 13 Japanese Families with CRX-associated retinal disorder: Identification of Genotype-phenotype Association. Scientific Reports 10(9531)

25.※Ryo Asaoka, Hiroshi Murata, Masato Matsuura, Yuri Fujino, Atsuya Miki, Masaki Tanito, Shiro Mizoue, Kazuhiko Mori, Katsuyoshi Suzuki, Takehiro Yamashita, Kenji Kashiwagi, Nobuyuki Shoji. Usefulness of data augmentation for visual field trend analyses in patients with glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol. 104(12):1697-1703

26.※Yohei Tomita, Zhuo Shao, Bertan Cakir, Yumi Kotoda, Zhongjie Fu, Lois E H Smith. An Ex Vivo Choroid Sprouting Assay of Ocular Microvascular Angiogenesis. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2020.Aug 6;(162)



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2.加茂純子、村松志保、赤澤博美、阿部水穂. 感受性からみた年齢別眼科領域抗菌薬選択 2018.あたらしい眼科 37:484-489

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4.加茂純子、遠藤勝久、原田亮. Colenbrander-Endoh-Kamo Functional Vision Score計算シートの試行. 眼科臨床紀要

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